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Hope you never notice the outages I cause. Knows where the RFC2616 bodies are buried. recurse.com SP'2 18

Follow me using: @benjojo@benjojo.co.uk in your client

benjojo replied 18 Apr 2024 22:04 +0000
in reply to: https://social.treehouse.systems/users/Aissen/statuses/112294457540592580

@Aissen bgp.tools is basically always doing a /0 ICMP scan for https://map.bgp.tools . I don't think I've observed any serious blocking of that IP address, and anyone who did decide to block based on a single ping every 2 weeks likely does not make a accountable difference to numbers!

In general I believe my network is pretty much as reachable as anyone elses, I do run a commercial service form it and have yet to get complaints about lack of reachability

benjojo posted 18 Apr 2024 20:40 +0000

Out of all IPv4 addresses on the internet (that are BGP routed), Around 9.57% of them respond to ICMP ping!

benjojo posted 18 Apr 2024 11:11 +0000

breaths in through gritted teeth

It's amazing how much LinkedIn is trying for me to hate it

A LinkedIn post box saying "Start a post, Try writing with AI!"

benjojo posted 18 Apr 2024 16:39 +0000

Man, I totally see why solar power people go nuts for stats, it's almost hypnotising to watch the power move around

A screenshot of a Victron Energy interface, showing the solar inverter doing 25kW, the AC inverter doing 9kW and the battery charging at 14kW

benjojo posted 17 Apr 2024 20:46 +0000

I think I'm going to call EMF-IX quits for this year.

I'm not really at the point where the cost to hire the marquee (etc) is viable for me, since I don't make the same level of income as I used to. (and I suspect trying to find people to split the costs is enough of a task as running EMF-IX etc)


benjojo posted 17 Apr 2024 15:04 +0000

I really hate this stuff, I know the site does not see the email until I click on it, but it just feels like a timebomb siting at the corner of my screen on every site. Even more so because my email addresses are clearly displayed on the screen, making it a doxxing risk if I am not careful with screenshots

A login with google prompt on stack exchange, there are 2 users called Ben, the email addresses are censored out

benjojo posted 17 Apr 2024 10:21 +0000

Target acquired

benjojo posted 16 Apr 2024 11:09 +0000

AI bot scraper desperately pawing at the door over and over, Maybe robots.txt changed since the last... 2 seconds since it last checked

A screenshot of a CLI prompt, showing lot of requests from AWS ip addresses, for robots.txt from the user agent claudebot

benjojo replied 15 Apr 2024 22:50 +0000
in reply to: https://infosec.exchange/users/malwaretech/statuses/112277613039708137

@malwaretech @filippo @dangoodin so I pulled the github keys of 1.4k people who follow me on github, and:

$ cat keys | awk '{print $1}' | sort | uniq -c 
     50 ecdsa-sha2-nistp256
      1 ecdsa-sha2-nistp384
      8 ecdsa-sha2-nistp521
      3 sk-ecdsa-sha2-nistp256@openssh.com
     14 sk-ssh-ed25519@openssh.com
    828 ssh-ed25519
    875 ssh-rsa

P521 is used more than P384, but it's all tiny volumes compared to the actually correct option of ed25519.

I don't think P521 (or, in general ECDSA) keys are that widely used, either that or my followers are smarter or dumber than the average

benjojo posted 15 Apr 2024 22:06 +0000

Being the first user of a syscall (at least as far as github code search can see) in your programming language comes with some nerd cred... and some extremely bizzare bugs that are now entirely my problem to resolve.

Currently dealing with a weird case of hitting a weird getsockopt on a socket, and only websockets breaking down, H2 etc still works, so it's not like I broke bi-directional sockets. Extremely strange.

Maybe I should just stop reading kernel code/man pages and just succumb to learning how eBPF works rather than doing mildly bizzare syscalls/sockopts to get what I want

benjojo replied 14 Apr 2024 15:49 +0000
in reply to: https://benjojo.co.uk/u/benjojo/h/66QHvBgf35zcy2Y2m4

Of course, inet_aton's other legacy will be all of the "trick shot" XSS / WAF bypasses that it allows, since nearly everything is a valid IP address with that damn function.

During the time where I was the maintainer of a largely deployed WAF product, inet_aton was a constant pain in the ass due to all of the creative ways you could fit IP addresses in places that should not have IP addresses in them.

benjojo posted 14 Apr 2024 15:52 +0000

inet_aton's legacy will be all of the crazy shit IP addresses it can invent in random places

A search suggestions menu that suggests that the input of "206924" is a URL with the IP address of ""

benjojo replied 14 Apr 2024 15:09 +0000
in reply to: https://mastodon.social/users/cks/statuses/112265954062793153

@cks I think the DIMM trains just fine (at least looking at the BMC seems to imply so), it's just when the DIMM then "enters the ring" it triggers so many correctable errors so quickly that the CPU just CATERR's out.

The whole memory system is magic, but i'm kind of surprised that the system is not smart enough to "kick out" a DIMM that is partially bad (trains fine, can't reliably remember things)

benjojo replied 14 Apr 2024 15:07 +0000
in reply to: https://mastodon.gamedev.place/users/MissAemilia/statuses/112265705142783377

@MissAemilia Yeah the issue was two fold, one that this was a blade that had not yet had it's IPMI reset, so I needed to boot it in order to see those messages, two the serial console/VGA console could not init before the bad DIMM would take the system down

The second issue was that the chassis/firmware/whatever had a limit of how many ECC correctables can happen in a short time, this DIMM seemed to have DDR4 trained just fine, but instantly blew past this limit to the point where the CPU CATERR'd

benjojo posted 13 Apr 2024 19:18 +0000

Who would win?

15 working DDR4 DIMMs or 1 single DDR4 DIMM that ECC errored so hard the system decided it was not worth getting to the point of even telling me what DIMM had gone bad at startup

benjojo posted 12 Apr 2024 17:24 +0000

Once again proving that every checkbox has a story...

Screenshot of the McDonald's app signed up that has a checkbox that says that you will not use it while driving

benjojo replied 12 Apr 2024 13:51 +0000
in reply to: https://unstable.systems/users/demize/statuses/112258552929439563

@demize That being said, I still prefer email to getting random telegram/discord/IRC/etc from my customers/prospects. So much that I redirect them on purpose into email.

It's just so much easier to manage a lot of email than it is instant messaging, since lots of email is not a uncommon problem for someone to have.

The other issue is that I've now developed email client opinions, even though I use web gmail still, I yearn for the old school office outlook... I totally understand some of the features that exist in that program now

benjojo posted 12 Apr 2024 08:41 +0000

!!! My Glasgow I ordered in 2020 has arrived!

A photo of a white PCB in a box

A photo of a white PCB in a box