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Edent@mastodon.socia.. posted 10 Sep 2024 23:25 +0000

I have a sincere question about #Ethereum.

Why does it cost money to transfer money?

Someone sent me about US$50 worth of ETH. In order to transfer it from one of my wallets to another, I had to pay a gas fee of a few ¢.

Why is this a good thing?

Last week I transfered literally thousands of £ between my bank accounts and I didn't pay anything.

(I'm interested in genuine answers. Please don't bother replying if you're a #crypto sceptic. I actually want answers, not snark.)

benjojo replied 11 Sep 2024 07:37 +0000
in reply to: https://mastodon.social/users/Edent/statuses/113115908251638861

@Edent they are not free to the bank itself though! (I would like to point that I am not pro cryptocurrency at all here), but UK banking tends to just swallow the cost because it is accepted that they will, other countries don't operate under this assumption.

I assume because a transfer consumes resources on the chain you'd want to have some ability to make people pay for that permanent storage of data

Edent@mastodon.socia.. replied 11 Sep 2024 07:39 +0000
in reply to: https://benjojo.co.uk/u/benjojo/h/fL51hMSGXnVT61PpHT

@benjojo thanks, that's interesting. I do wonder how much of the cost is passed on to me.
I have a savings account paying a pretty decent interest rate - and transfers in and out are free.
So it *feels* kind of hard to accept that I'm paying for it in any meaningful way.

I guess at the scale the banks operate at, transaction costs must be micro-pennies each?