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one honk maybe more

benjojo posted 09 Jan 2025 15:18 +0000

Did another hidden London tour! This time Baker Street.

Love the post apocalyptic vibes the behind the scenes bits of TFL always have

Various photos of empty, people less, industrial settings "backrooms" type shots, with lots of cables and dim lighting, looks like a world people left behind Various photos of empty, people less, industrial settings "backrooms" type shots, with lots of cables and dim lighting, looks like a world people left behind Various photos of empty, people less, industrial settings "backrooms" type shots, with lots of cables and dim lighting, looks like a world people left behind Various photos of empty, people less, industrial settings "backrooms" type shots, with lots of cables and dim lighting, looks like a world people left behind

benjojo reposted 09 Jan 2025 15:49 +0000
original: igloo@tupek.org


We do not know why we are here. We do not know who built the underground. We do not know why everyone on the underground is as they are.

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KarlE@mstdn.animexx... replied 09 Jan 2025 19:48 +0000
in reply to: https://benjojo.co.uk/u/benjojo/h/cg65Lr46cgL1y2N46Y

@benjojo a while back I found some videos on London Underground stations. I'm too far away to visit one of those in person, so I guess this is the next best thing.
In this case, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxJmLKsD_kg sounds promising.

In general, I find English public or industrial architecture, e.g. university buildings, charming in a way, exposed brick, narrow hallways and paths at odd angles, lots of wooden fire doors, visible cabling meticulously arranged, lots of notice plates. It appeals to me.