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one honk maybe more

benjojo posted 31 Mar 2024 19:39 +0000

Finally got around to buying a new EMF-IX switch. Hopefully this switch I wont totally hate at the end of the event and give it away to anyone willing to take it.

The first EMF-IX switch was gifted to someone, and then a year or so later the switch found itself back in my flat because that person became a flatmate.

Then the next EMF-IX switch was just.. weird. 10G capable, randomly rebooted in the night, had weird behaviour/configs

Let's see if a EX3300 won't self destruct in the (literal) field

benjojo replied 03 Apr 2024 11:07 +0000
in reply to: https://benjojo.co.uk/u/benjojo/h/125v8dZcVZSTcGp7Z2

One EX3300 acquired, despite being an eBay used purchase this thing is suspiciously looking factory new, all packaging seems legit and screen protector plastic is still there etc. but the switch says it was made in 2016...

Maybe this is was somebody's contingency plan for when their other ex3300 decided to die through flash wear

A screenshot of the front panel of an ex3300 saying loading JunOS