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benjojo posted 14 Apr 2024 15:52 +0000

inet_aton's legacy will be all of the crazy shit IP addresses it can invent in random places

A search suggestions menu that suggests that the input of "206924" is a URL with the IP address of ""

benjojo replied 14 Apr 2024 15:49 +0000
in reply to: https://benjojo.co.uk/u/benjojo/h/66QHvBgf35zcy2Y2m4

Of course, inet_aton's other legacy will be all of the "trick shot" XSS / WAF bypasses that it allows, since nearly everything is a valid IP address with that damn function.

During the time where I was the maintainer of a largely deployed WAF product, inet_aton was a constant pain in the ass due to all of the creative ways you could fit IP addresses in places that should not have IP addresses in them.